The MSP Terminal 1 BHS Re-Control Project was planned to upgrade outdated BHS Servers, PLCs and improve BHS operations. The work required Prolégo to coordinate with multiple stakeholders and airport authority. Required upgrades and new additions to the existing BHS did not interfere with ur owner or other airline operations. Prolégo continued to provide program management services until the project’s completion date as well as provide further closeout and support for an additional 3 months. To accomplish these goals the following key points addressed were:
- Correct of life safety issues
- New Upper Level Controls
- Operating, functional controls correction
- Update HMI Graphics
- New SAC interface
- New report system
- Correct electrical deficiencies
Our services also included:
- Complete system functional inspection
- Oversee installation of new bag tracking components
- Shaft Encoders
- Photo eyes
- Brake Motors
- Modify, upgrade emergency stop circuits
- Re-control of new Lower Level Controls
- Install new PLC’s
- Installation of new Upper Level Controls
- New Sort Controller
- New Report Functionality
- New HMI Graphics
Minneapolis, MN
Project Duration
18 months
Market Sector